

Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Senior Registered Legal Executive

New Zealand is the best country in the world at producing protein, and agribusiness continues to be the leading contributor to New Zealand’s export economy. We lead the world in innovation and productivity and ours is the envy of all our trading partners. 

There is continuing scrutiny and concerns over water quality, access and rights, foreign ownership and the high levels of debt all have significant implications for how the agrisector does business into the future and also raises a range of legal issues.

We predict that the rural sector will find itself facing increasing regulation in the years ahead, not just around environmental issues, but also health and safety, employment and foreign ownership.

We see future implications for how farms are capitalised and for business structures and governance arrangements under which farms are managed, particularly as more rural property is offered in aggregated arrangements to groups of investors.

Our expertise and experience in this sector is unrivalled in New Zealand. We work with local and international clients throughout the supply chain including individual farmers, large scale corporate dairy farmers, agribusiness suppliers, listed agribusiness companies, corporate investors and banks involved in rural lending. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge across the dairy, forestry and meat industries.

So when you work with us on agribusiness issues, you have access to advice that spans every aspect of the sector. If you’re looking to secure a deal, we can break down every aspect of the transaction and offer you comprehensive and integrated assistance at every point – from purchase to intellectual property, financing to compliance structures, taxation, public listing and discussions over investment in this country. Because we act for both family-owned farms and corporate investors, we can connect parties in ways that others can’t.

Our understanding of rural property issues too is comprehensive. We have acted on more property transactions, sale and purchase and leasing agreements than any other firm in the South Island. We have a dedicated conveyancing system and team resourced to deliver a responsive and cost effective service to our clients.

We are a member of the New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management. 

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