Navigating reregistration: a guide for New Zealand Incorporated Societies

Geometric illustration of multi coloured human figures

Have you received a notification from the New Zealand Companies Office in relation to reregistering your incorporated society before 2026?
If yes, we are here to help! Here is a recap of what needs to be done:

Ahead of your next AGM it is advisable to decide whether you are going to reregister your society. If not, you should make sure your society understands the implications (i.e. that it will be deregistered and cease to exist after 5 April 2026).

If your society does want to reregister, now is the time to:

  • get agreement from your members at this year’s AGM about updating your society’s constitution; and then
  • start working on reviewing and updating the constitution ready to adopt it at next year’s AGM (or a special general meeting if that fits your timeframe better).

Once your new constitution has been adopted, you can reregister your society online before 5 April 2026. Registration is free.

If you have any questions about reregistration process or need help drafting a constitution, please contact our not-for-profit specialist team.

Special thanks to Senior Associate Louisa Joblin for preparing this article. 

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and not intended as a substitute for specific professional advice on any matter and should not be relied upon for that purpose.

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