Jamie specialises in resource management and environmental law. Her farming background means she has a real interest and knowledge in rural issues and prioritises pragmatic solutions. Jamie also assists clients on a full range of resource management matters.
Resource management is a forward-looking area of law, and Jamie assists her clients in obtaining the approvals and consents required to allow development and expansion of their businesses. There is often a balancing act between environmental outcomes and commercial results and Jamie is focussed on providing sensible advice that meets both requirements.
Assisting with resource consent applications, including gravel extraction, development at an existing milk processing site, an urban medical centre; signage requirements and a rural-residential heli-pad.
Defending prosecutions for dairy effluent discharges and works in a riverbed.
Due diligence reporting on purchases of urban commercial and residential properties, rural farmland, forestry blocks, and orchards.
Advising clients with submitting on policy documents, including Regional Plans, District Plans and National Environmental Standards.
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