Video: COVID-19: How to “play it safe” and return to the workplace at Alert Level 2

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Click here to view Nelson health and safety partner Brian Nathan, Wellington health and safety partner Olivia Lund, Acting Chief Operating Officer of WorkSafe, Tony Hetherington, and Partner of Cosman Parkes, Mike Cosman discuss how businesses and organisations can meet their health and safety obligations and “operate safely” at Alert Level 2.

The webinar covers the following with a Q&A session to finish:

  • What are the health and safety obligations at Alert Level 2?
  • Is your workplace a controlled, uncontrolled or close proximity workplace? What does that
  • mean and what are the requirements?
  • Do workplaces need to have a COVID-19 safety plan? What should this cover?
  • What are the physical distancing requirements? Is it 1m or 2m or does it depend on the situation?
  • Does the 100 person limit apply to a whole venue if it has different areas?
  • Who is required to keep contact tracing records and how far do they need to go?
  • What are alternative ways of working and how should they be managed with staff?
  • How do employers keep vulnerable and at risk workers safe?
  • What happens if workers do not want to return to the workplace at Alert Level 2?

For further information, please contact a member of our health and safety team.

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