Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation
Late last year, the Minister for the Environment approved the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation (Variation) to the Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Plan. The Variation rezones 120ha of land along the Ladies Mile corridor to enable residential (and a smaller commercial area) development, paving the way for 2400 new residential units in Queenstown. The Variation was made operative on 6 December 2024, so development can begin now.
The Variation enables various housing developments (Image 1) within the Ladies Mile Zone including:
- High density residential (HDR) and medium density residential (MDR) Precincts to comprise apartments, walk-up’s, terraced housing, and duplexes. There is a minimum requirement of 40 dwellings per hectare (net) in these areas.
- Lower density residential Precinct – only stand-alone housing is permitted in this area, and minimum lot sizes must be complied with (300m² generally, and 200m² where building setbacks apply).
Within the HDR and MDR Precincts, the focus is on managing housing density, choice and affordability. The new Precincts operate alongside existing ones. In addition, the Open Space Precinct comprises QLDC owned land that provided for community and recreation activities. The Glenpanel Precinct requires non-residential development to protect historic heritage values in this area.
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zoning Plan
Development Restrictions
Some development restrictions within the Variation include:
- Building Restriction Areas around SH6 (10m on the northern boundary, 25m on the southern boundary).
- Height limits from 8m to a maximum of 24.5m apply (refer to Image 2).
- A minimum 3m road boundary setback applies in MDR and HDR Precincts.
- Minimum separation distances apply: 2m for up to 2 storey residential units, 4m for up to 3 storeys, 6m for up to 4 storeys and 8m for 5 storeys or more.
- Garages, driveways or vehicle crossings are not permitted for residential units in the MDR and HDR Precincts with a frontage width of 6.5m or less. Residential units with greater road frontage have increased flexibility.
- Recession planes apply in LDR, MDR, and HDR Precincts.
- Maximum building coverage of 45% in MDR Precincts and 70% in HDR Precincts.
Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Building Heights Plan
Commercial Precinct
A Commercial Precinct is sandwiched within the HDR Precincts. This will enable a range of commercial activities (limited to only one supermarket and one service station) to serve the day-to-day needs of the eastern corridor and aims at reducing over-the-bridge trips into the Queenstown CBD. Maximum parking requirements will apply to any office, retail, education, and supermarket facilities developed.
Three Waters Servicing
Three waters infrastructure for the Ladies Mile Zone is limited and will need to be advanced alongside development. Stormwater systems in the Ladies Mile Zone must be designed to avoid adverse effects of stormwater on Waiwhakaata Lake Hayes, including coordination across blocks and with adjoining land.
Development will be staged to integrate with transport infrastructure upgrades, including active travel links, such as cycle and dedicated bus networks, intersection and roundabout upgrades, and several pedestrian/cycle crossings over SH6. These roading upgrades are the primary strategy for reducing traffic congestion across the Shotover Bridge. Code of Compliance Certificates cannot be issued for residential units within MDR and HDR Precincts until infrastructure works are completed – this will likely delay construction and release to market.
Key takeaways:
- The Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation rezones 120ha for 2400 new homes and a small commercial area.
- High-density residential (HDR) and medium-density residential (MDR) zones require a minimum of 40 dwellings per hectare, with height limits from 8m to 24.5m.
- A commercial precinct within the HDR zone will include one supermarket and one service station to serve local needs.
- Development will be staged alongside transport upgrades, including road improvements and new active travel networks to reduce congestion.
- Code of Compliance Certificates for units in MDR and HDR precincts will be delayed until infrastructure works are completed.
If you have any questions about development opportunities or the implications of the Variation, please contact our Resource Management team.
Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and not intended as a substitute for specific professional advice on any matter and should not be relied upon for that purpose.