An Improved Investor Plus Category

Woven green, brown and yellow grass background

From 1 April 2025, the Active Investor Plus requirements are more relaxed.   This aligns with the New Zealand Government’s economic strategy to increase the flow of foreign capital. 

Growth and Balanced investments – previous weighted investment system replaced

  • The previous system of investments being weighted depending on the type of investment will be replaced with two new investment schemes – Growth and Balanced.

Growth investments

  • Minimum investment of NZ$5 million.
  • 36 months investment period
  • ‘Acceptable investments’ must be NZTE approved “Managed Funds” or “Direct Investments”. More information is below and can be found at the NZTE website Acceptable Investments
  • Investment checks will occur at the 24 and 36 months
  • Applicants must spend at least 21 days in New Zealand within the investment period – a key factor to encourage investors to consider growth investments.
  • After the application has been approved, in principle, applicants may be able to nominate additional funds and change to the Balanced Scheme, as described below.

Balanced investments

  • Minimum investment of NZ$10million.
  • 60 months investment period
  • ‘Acceptable investments’ under this Scheme include:
    • Listed equities
    • Philanthropy
    • Property development
    • Bonds
  • Investment checks will occur after 24 and 60 months
  • Applicants must spend at least 105 days in New Zealand within the investment period, provided the new time reduction policy, explained below, does not apply.
  • Applicants applying under the Balanced Scheme can also invest into NZTE-approved “Managed Funds” or “Direct Investments”.

Option to change the category

  • Applicants change the category originally applied under (from Balanced to Growth or vice versa) while their application is still under assessment or within six months of receiving the approval, in principle. This is provided they have not already changed category.

Timeframe to Transfer and Invest

  • Both Growth and Balanced options require the applicant to transfer the funds to New Zealand, through the international banking system, and make the chosen type of investment, within six months of receiving the approval in principle.
  • Applicants can extend this timeframe for an additional six months, if they are unable to transfer the funds or liquidate their nominated assets within the first six months.

Relaxing of investment requirements for approval as “Managed Funds” and “Direct Investments”

  • These investments no longer need to be ‘high growth’. However, they must deliver positive economic impacts to New Zealand.
  • Investments into businesses that rely on acquisition and ownership of property, for example, commercial, residential, or industrial real estate, will not be considered acceptable. However,

businesses that depend on property to deliver the objectives of their business may be.

Option to reduce time in New Zealand

  • Applicants applying on the basis of Balanced investments can reduce the amount of time they must spend in New Zealand additional investment. In addition to NZ$10 million, investors can choose to invest:
    • a further NZ$1 million for a 14-day reduction or;
    • a further NZ$2 million for a 28-day reduction or;
    • a further NZ$3 million for a 42-day reduction.
  • These funds must be identified prior to the application being approved in principle.

Compulsory Post Investment Questionnaire

  • The main applicant must complete a questionnaire within three months of the 24 month and final investment checks.
  • The questionnaire requires a declaration about any further investments. If no further investments were made, the main applicant must explain why.
  • This requirement is likely to enable the government to better understand what contribution investor visa holders make.

English Language

  • There is no longer an English language requirement.

Travel Conditions

  • The travel conditions granted to investor visa holders have been substantially increased:
    • Resident visas granted under the Growth Scheme will allow travel for four years.
    • Resident visas granted under the Balanced Scheme allow travel for six years.

This is a great improvement from the two year periods previously granted and will substantially lessen the inconvenience previous investor visa holders endured.

Further reading:

Does the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) impact home buyers?


Any questions?

Please contact Nicola Tiffen or Nicky Robertson  for Immigration queries, or our Overseas Investment Law Specialists.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and not intended as a substitute for specific professional advice on any matter and should not be relied upon for that purpose.

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